[A009] LOHAS Rose Pink 4 Element Brown Sugar Cube 玫瑰四物饮黑糖块300g


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Product name: LOHAS Rose Pink 4 Element Brown Sugar Cube 玫瑰四物饮黑糖块300g

Ingredient: Chuanxiong, Angelica, Chinese wolfberry, rehmannia, rose, white peony, dendrobium, molasses, red dates, sucrose, astragalus, brown sugar

Net weight: 300g

Country of Origin: Malaysia

Precautions: Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Product introduction: Mediate physiological function, nourishing body and promote metabolism, stimulate saliva production, health maintenance, beauty care effect and promote longevity, nutritional supplements for prenatal and postnatal or recuperating from illness.

Benefit : Regulate physiological functions Adjustment of status Facilitate application Health and beauty

How to Drink? Ready to eat or brew with hot water. (100cc water + 1 or 2 cube of sugar according to individual preferences).  Suitable for all general population.


產品名字: 玫瑰四物饮黑糖块300g

成份: 川芎,当归,枸杞,熟地,玫瑰,白芍药,石斛,糖蜜,红枣,蔗糖,黄耆,黑糖




产品介绍: 调节生理机能,滋补身体,促进新陈代谢,刺激唾液分泌,保健美容,延年益寿,产前产后或病后疗养的营养补充。

益处: 调节生理机能 调整体质 促进新陈代谢 保健美容

如何饮用? 可直接食用或冲泡热开水饮用(100cc水+1或2块黑糖依个人喜好增减). 一般人群均可食用。


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[A009] LOHAS Rose Pink 4 Element Brown Sugar Cube 玫瑰四物饮黑糖块300g

Availability: In stock